Covid-19 presented an unprecedented opportunity for Alkoomi to rethink and redesign elements of our programs. We had to reimagine how we could work in the new normal whilst continuing to serve our clients; some in the midst of major program rollouts. Using our best consulting talents, we set about working with an expert platform facilitator to adapt and structure material to suit remote, dynamic delivery to clients through virtual technologies. The design placed extra focus on enhanced set up with participants, ensuring familiarization with the platform, its various tools and online etiquette. This would make the most of the workshop time and space and maximise engagement and participation. As the virtual workshops are rolled out, there continues to be very positive feedback from participants best summarized as….

“It was great how you managed this virtual environment. I was surprised how you were able to send us to different virtual breakout rooms. great Job.”

Of course, some program activities are not conducive to virtual learning and development. Innovative solutions enabled Alkoomi to meet the challenges of delivering socially distanced workshops ensuring everyone stays safe and within the Alkoomi and client risk assessments and national regulatory requirements. We have found over time that these smaller groups engender higher levels of teamwork and engagement. There are clear indications from participants that the Covid precautions do not get in the way of the messages being delivered.

Alkoomi has continued to serve our clients throughout these Covid times ensuing their programs stay on course. We express our appreciation to them for taking that leap of faith and for their support.